News & Events


Welcome to our new Psychology Department home at 641 S Street NW, 3rd Floor. This new space (managed by the Mark) will be a central space for faculty, students, and staff to host gatherings and meetings. Please sign in at the 3rd floor reception desk when visiting. The faculty look forward to seeing you in our offices... or on the rooftop terrace (yep, that's right).

Featured Article

Dr. Jules Harrell Awarded NSF Grant: Developmental Mechanisms of African American Ethnic and Racial Identity During the Transition to Adulthood

Dr. Jules Harrell (PI) was awarded a 3-year grant by the National Science Foundation, Developmental Mechanisms of African American Ethnic and Racial Identity During the Transition to Adulthood, to examine the multifaceted ways in which African American ethnic identity and racial identity (ERI) - the personal significance and meaning of race and ethnicity to an individual - shapes the association between racial discrimination experiences and biopsychosocial development during the transition to adulthood.  Read the Article